Le Coupe de Foudre – Blitzeinschlag
Short film
07:38 min, 16:9, 2023
The lightning strike of emotions or love at first sight. The unfathomable mystery of that moment and its volatile dynamics are being explored through a queer love story. Two women, one apartment, and a storm of lustful emotions. This romantic treatise seems to need no dialogue due to the synthesis of a tugging, unsettling soundtrack and the overly aestheticized visuals caught in slow motion. While floating between melodrama and horror, this LGBTQ+ short film opens itself not only to the subject of love but also embraces the somber echo that stems from the loss of said liaison.
Moana Filipe
Raviva Nsiama
Pauline Pyras
Charlotte Schwärmer
Elli Treptow
Anna Notova